Eduard Heijmans

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afrikaans orakel

afrikaans orakel

Title: afrikaans orakel
Year: 1971
Period: reliefs
Technique: assemblage
Material: orginal African sculpture assembled onto an old oak panel
Surface: painted old wood
Size: 40x124 cm
In the N. Heijmans-Atas collection: Yes


"afrikaans orakel"
Op de achterkant gesigneerd met "Atelier 17". Dit refereert aan het toenmalige verblijfsadres 2de Leliedwarsstraat 17 in de Jordaan in Amsterdam.

"african oracle"
Signed on the back with "Atelier 17" which refers to the residential address in Amsterdam: 2nd Leliedwarsstraat 17 (Jordaan) where this work was created.

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“afrikaans orakel” (1971) from eduard heijmans
